Thursday, 10 March 2011


Well, it's here.
The thing I have eagerly awaited for 5 months.
Any guesses???.......................

I know you have some great guesses....

Wish I could here what they were....

No, I'm not quite leaving the north yet, try again...

I bet you do know what my excitement level is all about!!

I got my acceptance letter!!! (To Mercy Ships)  :D

Next step is for their finance department to issue me with a contribution number, or whatever it's called, that will allow me to collect donations and have people receive a tax deduction for them.  I've already sent in the paperwork for that, more than 3 months ago.  I expect to see it soon.
Then you're all getting letters... well those I know.  And there will be a link put up on the blog for those who are more comfortable just clicking to a donation area.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
It's exciting enough that I have the letter in my hands... or at least, on the computer.

1 comment:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

WAAHOOOOO!!! That is fabulous news! I will definitely make a contribution to that fund.
