Saturday, 5 March 2011

Moving is stressful!!!!!!

I'm about to do something big...

Something that is going to turn my entire world on it's axis...

I'm moving.

Not just the "moving from one house to a different one in town"...


people get crazy stressed doing that.

No, I'm going to move back in with my parents (yup, one of those big no-no's as an adult, but I love them and it's a very comfortable place to be) for a couple months...

Then I'm going back to school (luckily only for a month... I swore to myself I was done with writing papers).... in Texas (always said, never living in the states... one month doesn't count as living there, just visiting, right???)

And then???  Africa.

World shifted on it's axis.

Not just Africa... on a giant hospital ship off the coast of Africa... (which has the good side of being fixed up with many things I'm used to, like electricity and airconditioning)

where I'll live in what amounts to a dorm room...

And work for free...

no, scratch that, actually I'll pay for the priviledge of living and working there...

Among strangers...

Me, the introvert... among strangers...

And to top it all off, I'm making these plans, put in my notice at work already, trying to sell my more expensive belongings.... BUT I DON'T HAVE AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER YET!!!!!

I'm moving forward in faith... or hope... or something of the sort...

Me, the planner, who likes to figure things out and research them to the hilt...

Feel like I can't plan without confirmation...

Feel like I need to go on faith because everyone keeps telling me this will work out, is meant to be, or something of the sort...

Did I mention I'm a procrastinator??? It almost hurts to think of starting to organize and pack right now...

3 weeks before I leave...

especially since I made up the deadline, no one told me I had to be out of here by then, I could change it at the drop of a hat (well, I'd have to change plane tickets, send a letter to my boss etc, but it would be A LOT easier than moving!)

I'm comfortable right now...

I'm safe...

Staying is easier than leaving...

Leaving is stressful...

I have friends here...

I have a home here, with my own bed, my own bathroom, my own kitchen, that I can keep as clean or dirty as I choose, where I can stay up until three and sleep in until 2 and it doesn't matter if it's am or pm... (until I try and get up for work, then my body hates me!!!)

There's a part of me that stubbornly wants to sit on the couch and read/watch tv and ignore the passing time...

My gut on the other hand is slowly twisting itself in knots as it notes the number of things that MUST happen before I go...

I'm a little scared that I don't even know every thing I need to do to make this move successful...



A little stressed...

I think I need to go find a good book! lol!


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...


I am sure your acceptance letter is in the mail on its way to you right now. You will do fantastic!! My friend did a Mercy Ship stint last year and she loved every minute of it.

I understand your stress though. I am a planner and I like predictability and organization. But we moved to Faro on a whim, my husband not having a job here (he was working nursing at a mine in the NT) and it has turned out amazing. Keep that faith- I am sure it is leading you in the right direction.

Yippeeee!! And you had better keep up the blog. :)

Anonymous said...

It will all get done.Guts are pretty good motivators. Wish I was there to helpm you move. How is the fish? I can't wait to see you here in the PEG! We are trying to warm up for your arrival. See you soon.

Love Auntie Shelly