Thursday 10 November 2011

A short update

Welcome to writers block.  Which would make sense if there was nothing to write about, or if I hadn't STARTED writing at least four different blog posts. 
Why is writing a blog post here difficult?
Well, for some odd reason my computer has decided to reject the cable that would give me wired internet in my room... cable works for everyone else, and there is no wireless there.  Which means I must bring my computer to a public area with wireless, or use one of the public computers.  Both options mean I'm surrounded by people, and lets face it, people are far more interesting than computers.  Just in the last half hour since I sat down at the computer here, I've been people watching more than anything else... and chatting with friends (live, not internet chat).   Hey, and there is frequently food nearby too!  People bring random snacks to share in midships, or the starbucks cafe and ship shop sell goodies just downstairs.  Right now they're handing out our regular helping of icecream (free), and I just polished off my bowl of chocolate and coffee flavored icecream.
Also, I'm a touch tired.  I spent a week with fast fast... which I have narrowed down to three possible culprits.  1- spent the day out with friends and bought shwarma and then soft serve ice cream on the street.  Street meat is always slightly questionable, but since we saw them cooking it, that wasn't the problem.  The salad fixings added to it may have been the problem.  We're also told not to eat creamy things, but the shwarma was so spicy, we all needed something to calm the burn, and the icecream shop was right beside the shwarma place.  And I must say, they were both GREAT, and I'd eat there again!  2- I got back to the ship slightly dehydrated that day, and yet chose to go sit by the pool.  I somehow forgot to grab a waterbottle and was too lazy to go back down 6 flights of stairs to get mine, so I drank from my friend's waterbottle, who may have had some fast fast recently.  3- About 3 days after all that, the day the fast fast started, I went to the beach with friends and had the freshly caught and cooked fish (maybe barracuda?).  Usually the fresh cooked meat is the best stuff and unlikely to cause trouble. 
Anyways, the fast fast wasn't horrible, and a number of people were getting it around the same time, so I'm just happy to be better, but it is a little draining. 
The number of things I want to write is getting so long that it's hard to know where to start.  And my days off are all planned out with outings for the next two weeks.  Tomorrow I'm off to Bunce Island, next week to see the Cotton Tree and museum in town, out of town for a day to a small inland town, then off to a beach overnight.  So if I'm silent for a time, it's because there's too much happening to sit on a computer!

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